Order Contacts Online!

- If you are using Insurance benefits to help pay for your order, please call our office to place your order.
- 15% discount if you order an annual supply.
- Brands included are: Acuvue, Air Optix, Biofinity, Biotrue, Clariti, Dailies, Proclear, and Ultra . (If you cannot find your lens and/or wear custom or specialty lens, please contact us at 336-230-1010)
Corrective Contact Lenses in Greensboro, NC
Contact lenses provide an alternative to glasses that don’t have to sacrifice on visual acuity or comfort. At Digby Eye Associates, we provide a wide range of lens options to correct the most common vision problems. Gone are the days when your choices were limited to hard and soft contacts. Now you can gain independence from your glasses from the help of Dr. Digby and his professional team.
Types of Contact Lenses
Keratoconus or “KC” is a progressive, non-inflammatory eye condition that can cause significant blurring, distortion, and sensitivity to light. The collagen in your eye thins out, and the normally round dome shape warps into a cone-like bulge. The treatment depends on the stage, ranging from the use of eyeglasses or soft lenses to deal with early-onset symptoms (nearsightedness and astigmatism) to the use of rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses along with Intacs and intracorneal rings to correct the problem. In advanced cases, corneal transplants may eventually be necessary.
We recommend the Synergeye ClearKone or Scleral lenses for patients with keratoconus struggling to find the right fit.
Nearly 1 out of every 2,000 people will contract Keratoconus. Learn more at the National Keratoconus Foundation.
Lens care
It is important to change your contacts out on time. The natural proteins, lipids, and mucin found in the tear film of your eye (along with other external irritants) can accumulate to create a thin haze over the lenses. Not only can this fog your vision, but your immune system may detect a foreign buildup and dispatch antibodies to combat it – causing irritation, itching, and redness. Be sure to make a schedule and stick to it to prevent these unpleasant symptoms from appearing.
To get the most out of your lenses and minimize discomfort:
- Always wash your hands before removing or inserting contacts
- When removing the lens, place it in the proper disinfecting solution
- Replace your lenses according to the doctor’s instructions (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
- Do not over wear your lenses
- Replace your lens case every 3 months
- Rest your eyes often with a good pair of glasses
Keep your lens care schedule on track
Remembering to change out your current lenses or reorder new ones on time can be made easier with the help of these handy smartphone apps:
- Contact Lens Tracker – iOS, Android
- LensCare: Contact Lens Tracker iOS
- Contact lenses – Apps on Google Play- Android
- Contact Lenses Time – Apps on Google Play – Android
- Siri and Google Now are incredibly versatile voice-activated tools that also allow you to create reminders for yourself – no additional app required!